The Wet Season = Bug Infestations. They come in hoardes at night attracted to the light. They find their way into the house, wiggling their tiny bodies through the squares of the fly screens. They swarm the television, the computer screen, my glow-in-the-dark legs. Take a step outside and you're covered in the bugs that don't have the ability to get into the house. Mozzies, midgies. It rains and after it stops the crickets arc up. Chirping all bloody night.
The various stink beetles. The black ones and the lavender bugs. They squirt their horrible smell when you brush them away. Some people react to their squirty with an itchy rash. They love dark places like under piles of dirty clothes.
The flying ants. They get into the house and annoy the crap out of you. They're even more attracted to light than other bugs and will congregate over the stand-by light on the television or the LED screen on the DVD player. In the morning when all the other bugs have gone or died the flying ants leave their mark. Their frigging wings! Everywhere! Little wings! As you try and sweep them up they flutter over the broom back to where you have just swept. Heaven help those that do not own a vacuum cleaner.
Normal ants. Meat ants, ginger ants, sugar ants. Their nest might be over 200m away but they're still happy to march that distance to obtain that morsel of food that someone dropped on the floor and didn't bother to clean up. You give a finished rib-bone to the dog and she's so busy trying to hide it that she doesn't notice the meat ants already on their way ready to strip it bare and leave no meat at all behind for her.
I let the spiders live in my house. They control the insects to some degree. I let the frogs and geckos live in my house too. They're both so cute and they eat the insects. I don't like it so much when they shit on my soap in the shower though.
Sometimes the bugs can't get in the house and that's great. But then they clamber over the windows and glass doors and for some reason that's where they tend to die. After a little while they begin to decompose. It becomes a scrubbing job to get them off.
I have a mumu dress that I wear just to watch television on some nights. My protection from the bugs. The cattle on the other hand aren't so lucky. Some might get an insecticide ear tag that helps keep away the buffalo flies. Some might get a backline which not only helps for buffalo flies but also cattle ticks and gastro-intestinal worms. Sadly some just have to rough it. Put up with the buffalo flies which can sometimes cause lack of hair or even scabs.
It happens to horses too. Some equine more susceptible than others. Watch them in their paddock. Swish, swish, swish their tails and shake their necks. I bring them in and give them an all over wipe of fly treatment for horses. It brings relief but only for 6 weeks. Other products available only last a few hours or until the horse becomes wet next. Doesn't take long in this weather between the rain and the sweat.
I don't mind the moths. Nor the butterflies. The grass hoppers and stick insects are okay too. Just not the bugs. I do not like being bugged!
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